
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Climate Change Cartoons for Both Sides (Video's)

A debunking of the global warming agenda, from Roy W. Spencer, former NASA climatologist and climate expert. via Australian Climate Madness

Part 1 in a 3 part series of animations,which is part of the $12 Million the Government has spent for advertising. via Andrew Bolt


Windsmoke. said...

I'm still not convinced that climte change alone is caused by man because climate change happens everyday and is a natural cycle of the planet. Plant more trees if you want to rid the planet of Carbon Dioxide, taxing it won't change anything at all :-).

Mags118 said...

Hi Windsmoke,
I totally agree, I thought the first video made by Roy Spencer, was very well done, and of course I thought the video done by the Government was full of spin and contradictions. If that is an example of what our $12 million dollars is buying, the taxpayers have yet again been ripped off.

Windsmoke. said...

I agree that the government video is nothing but spin and contradictions and $12 million dollars is being flushed down the toilet so to speak which could have been spend on more worthwhile portfolios like health, education and transport. With $12 million dollars you can plant a mega amount of trees across Australia with very little up keep once fully established :-).

Mags118 said...

Hi Windsmoke,
As we all know our health system is in a terrible mess, and it seems to be put on the backburner, with so many other problems that we have. All this money going into this climate change rubbish could have fixed up so much. Just imagine what could of been done with the $10 Billion dollars Julia gave the greens.

Just from the people I talk to and reading some of the comments in the papers there is a lot of anger out there in the community, and rightfully so.