
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Protesters Interrupt Parliament (Video Australia)

Anthony Albanese said the federal opposition encouraged anti-carbon tax protesters to disrupt parliament.
During Question Time around 40 people stood up in the public gallery and yelled "no carbon tax", "shame Labor" and "shame Gillard" as the prime minister was speaking. Of course security ejected these people out of the chamber, but I fully support these peaceful protesters, and good on them for voicing their opinion. .

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Remembrance of 9/11 (Video's)

To all those that lost family and friends on that terrible day of September 11 2001, you will never be forgotten.

Warning:- Very disturbing scenes in all the video's

The video below is Part 2 of a documentary of 9/11, it contains conversations between firemen, conversations with people on the hijacked planes, again some very disturbing footage.

Front Page news 2001

New York Post, New York, September 12, 2001. Picture: Newseum
                                                    (from the picture gallery below)

Front Page News:- Courier Mail Picture Gallery

Shanksville Aftermath

          The plane's engine being dug out from the crater of the crash site.                                       (from the picture gallery below)

Shanksville Aftermath:-Courier Mail Picture Gallery

Canine Heroes of 9/11

Guinness, aged 15, Highland CA. Sheila McKee and Guinness flew the evening of September 12 with the California Task Force 6 and started work on the morning of September 13. They were deployed to the World Trade Center for 11 days. Credit: Charlotte Dumas/Barcroft Pacific, the picture gallery below)

Canine Heroes of 9/11:-Courier Mail Picture Galley

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Climate Change and Snow

Way back in the year 2000, yes it was a long time ago, it was reported in England by a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia (yes that's the same one that brought us Climategate) said that Winter was basically over for the world. Yes we can look back on these words of wisdom that has bought us a Cap and Trade, Carbon tax's, Carbon trading, and nearly an Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) in Australia. Can anyone remember this, it was reported all over the world. Incase some have forgotten, have a read:-

Britain's winter ends tomorrow with further indications of a striking environmental change: snow is starting to disappear from our lives.

Sledges, snowmen, snowballs and the excitement of waking to find that the stuff has settled outside are all a rapidly diminishing part of Britain's culture, as warmer winters - which scientists are attributing to global climate change - produce not only fewer white Christmases, but fewer white January's and February's.

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.

All this and much, much more was reported in The Independent in March 2000.

Experts warned freezing winds would sweep across Eastern parts of England bringing up to 10cm of snow and sending temperatures crashing below zero. Mirror November 2008.

UK shivers in record low temperatures. Sydney Morning Herald November 2010

A general view of motorists driving through the heavy snowfall, in Stanley, England. Photo: SCOTT HEPPELL  (from the Picture Gallery).

Sydney Morning Herald Picture Gallery.

Finally someone got a bit sick and tired of all the wrong information that Britain's Met Office come under fire. The Sunday Times 2010

There are of course a lot more, but I'm sure you get the picture, exactly the same thing has been happening in America as well, people get told one thing, you are supposed to believe it, but you find a few years down the track, it just wasn't right.

All these people have since got smarter, and now they make their predictions for 2020/2050, these seem to be the magic dates now. Anyway Australia's snow is going to be that thin that it is going to melt the minute it hits the ground, hence no more skiing.

2008 in Australia, and we have headlines from the ABC:- Global Warming to shorten ski season:-CSIRO.

There's going to be shorter snow seasons, not as much depth of snow on the ground, with that situation deteriorating further as we go through the century. ABC May 2008.

Winter comes Early Mt Baw Baw has been blanketed with more than 30cm of fresh snow as eager snowboarders take to the slopes well ahead of the official opening to the ski season.
Herald Sun May 2011.

The latest of course is now Climate Change brings snow as well,but isn't the idea of a carbon tax, cap and trade etc. to stop the world from warming? I feel they were left scratching their heads and this is the best they could come up with. Must keep that money coming in at all cost.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Andrew Bolt Interviews John Howard (Video)

Andrew Bolt and John Howard discuss Julia Gillard's leadership on The Bolt Report

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Interview with John Howard on the ABC (Video)

Former Prime Minister of Australia John Howard speaks to Chris Uhlmann from the ABC about the current state of the political landscape.
You may notice that Mr. Howard no longer has to wear glasses, he had laser surgery done on his cataracts, so he no longer needs them.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Greens Want More Taxes (Australia)

Now that the Greens have the balance of power in the Senate, with all their other wacky ideas, they are talking about a wealth tax. For her maiden speech in Federal Parliament Senator Lee Rhiannon just couldn't help herself, she thinks redistribution of wealth will eliminate inequality. (Isn't that what the carbon tax is all about) This of course comes with the usual argument that this will help a lot of people. That's just what we need another tax to add to all the others. The Senator also said that she was proud of her Socialist Party background. Someone should inform the Senator that Communism failed, it does not work.

In her first speech to federal parliament, the NSW Greens senator said she was proud of her Socialist Party background, and accused her critics of cold war-style “McCarthyism”.
“Taxes on wealth, like an estate tax, and a sovereign wealth fund, are needed in Australia,” Senator Rhiannon said.
The Australian

This quote was said by Dr. Adrian Pierce Rogers in 1984.

You Cannot Multiply Wealth by Dividing It

You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the industrious out of it. You don’t multiply wealth by dividing it. Government cannot give anything to anybody that it doesn’t first take from somebody else. Whenever somebody receives something without working for it, somebody else has to work for it without receiving. The worst thing that can happen to a nation is for half of the people to get the idea they don’t have to work because somebody else will work for them, and the other half to get the idea that it does no good to work because they don’t get to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

It also seems that people have wiped out entries in Wikipedia of the Senators past. There was a very good article about this in the Punch, with exactly what was wiped out in Wikipedia.

systematically deleted her political history prior to 1990, by suppressing any version of the Wikipedia article which might be embarrassing to Senator Rhiannon. The Punch.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Convoy of No Confidence in Canberra (Video/Pictures)

First off I would like to Thank all those people that took part in the Convoy, you certainly have done Australia Proud, and Thank You for making the effort to get a message to Canberra that there are Millions of people that are not happy with a whole range of issues that this minority Government have done or about to do. Unfortunately I was one of the people that could not make it to Canberra, but I felt those in the Convoy were representing me as well.

Again Thank You, and what a fantastic effort, some people drove nearly 4,000klm to get that message there, all spent their own money for fuel, food etc on their way. Some of the smaller towns actually passed around the hat to donate what they could to try and help those in the Convoy with petrol. Not one journalist as far as I know even reported this, nor were there reports about all the people along the way, waving the Aussie flag, in support of the convoy as they passed. This is the true Aussie spirit, yet not one journalist thought it was worth reporting.

Thousands of cars that beeped as they passed the Convoy to show their support, none of this was mentioned. What is going on with our so called Journalists, what absolutely terrible coverage they did, they didn't even put any effort at all into covering the Convoy. I am completely disgusted with all the papers across Australia, this was History for OZ, and no one wanted to actually show how so many Aussies are upset with the present minority Government.

Most of the papers put a bad light on the Convoy, no more so than the Canberra Press, that for days only reported how much this Convoy was going to disturb the people of Canberra, and the comments in that paper were disgusting.

There were a lot of reports about there only being a couple of hundred trucks, well that also is not the case, the reason this was reported was because the AFP told Convoy organizers that they can only do the circle around Parliament House 2 Convoys at a time, these started as early as 5.30am. Again journalists did not do their homework before reporting. No one actually knows how many trucks were involved in the 11 Convoy's, no one actually knows how many car, utes, campervans, or caravans were involved.

From You Tube:-
Police escorted drivers out of EPIC showgrounds in Canberra and into Parliament. I was on the ground, attempting to capture the moment this nation is set to wake up to the unfolding human rights crisis in the bush brought about by governments with no concern for business, producers or people.

This is a photo of some of the first Convoy's to arrive in Canberra, which was on the Sunday. Yes there was a couple of Convoy's that arrived on Sunday, not all the Convoys arrived on Monday.

A COLLECTION of semi-trailers, motorhomes, 4WDs, cars and even a horse float will roll into Canberra today demanding a new

Seeing as the Convoy was escorted into Canberra only a couple at a time, depending on what time you were watching, it did seem like there wasn't many people at all. I would like to know who's idea it was that the Convoy be split up into sections, to make it seem like they wasn't a lot of cars, trucks etc. A lesson learned I feel, and I also feel it puts a terrible light onto our so called journalists.

At the rally on Monday the 22nd of August, journalist didn't report on the issues that mattered at all, they reported on the number of people, yet if you speak to anyone that was at the rally they will tell you there were still trucks, cars etc. going around Parliament House underneath them tooting horns, to let people know they were there, no where for them all to park, was this reported in the papers, NO.

Inside Parliament federal transport minister Anthony Albanese criticised the event.
“The convoy of no Consequence, Mr Speaker, the convoy of no consequence where a couple of hundred people gathered with no support from the mainstream organisations, the people who believe in one world government.”
Beef Central
You can watch an ABC video of this, and you can see and hear EVERY Labor person in Parliament laughing and clapping, absolutely disgusting behavior by our so called Ministers, this is what Labor thinks of every day Australians, I saw red when I saw this on TV, and I can only imagine the anger of others over what was said in Parliament by Labor that day.
There is a copy right on the video, but you can watch it Here.

Broadcaster Alan Jones said the smaller-than-expected crowd was because "thousands" of people had been blocked from attending the rally and that "hundreds" of trucks in the convoy had been stopped at the border as they tried to enter Canberra from New South Wales.

This has been denied by just about everybody, but take the time to listen to the Truck drivers that were there, and listen to exactly what did happen.
Alan Jones talks to truckies Peter Baker and Karsten Gephardt who took part in the Convoy of No Confidence yesterday. 2GB

A fantastic article in Quadrant Online please take the time to read it.

Matt and I both cried. After 4½ days of driving across Australia, hearing from every-day hard-working Australians about how difficult it is to just get on with producing, we had one hell of a welcome to Canberra yesterday morning!The Thompsons go to Canberra

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Convoy of No Confidence (Video's/Pictures)

                                    Go to Just Grounds Community for more information

The 11 Convoy's of No Confidence are well and truely on their way to Canberra.

Convoy passes through Ingham

Charters Towers showed great support for Convoy 2 (the colour pink), there were 10 mustering choppers in arrow formation at the head of 7klm of vehicles. Shops also showed there support with pink balloons and streamers, as well as the people that couldn't join the convoy, lining the streets, and waving Aussie flags. If you look closely at the video you will see the other choppers in the sky.

The escort of helicopters leading the Convoy into Charters Towers.

Convoy leaving Coonamble (convoy 2 colour pink)

Andrew Bolt Interviews Tony Abbott, and the Convoy of No Confidence is mentioned.

Convoy of No Confidence Song (Funny Video)

See more photo's in the Katherine Times Picture gallery.
Photo's in the Townsville Bulletin

Photo's of Charters Towers of convoy 2 the pink convoy here on facebook

The Convoy of No Confidence started as a truckies protest against the carbon tax but has grown into a mass assembly of people who feel they have lost their voice on issues from wasted tax money, asylum seekers, pink batts, imported fruit and the temporary ban on live exports. Cairns News.

More photo's in the news article from

Can this convoy drive democratic change?
"I think the government has been compromised by the fact that it's not governing in its own right," he added, referring to the Greens and independents who helped deliver minority government 12 months ago.

Convoy's 1-2-4-and 5 have arrived in Canberra
Tony Abbott joins Ken Wilkie in his truck for the last leg into Canberra

For those that are on twitter Mick and Peter are

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Saving The Planet (Funny Video)

Comedian George Carlin on saving the planet.

WARNING:-Some bad language in this video, but if you can overlook that it is rather funny.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Convoy Of No Confidence Song:- Australia (Funny Video)

As I type this the Convoy is on the move. The 11 Convoy's will all arrive in Canberra on the 22nd of  August. It is not too late to join if you would like to. All the information is here.

                                                      Click on picture for a lager view

Convoy of No Confindence Song

The Beginning and how the Convoy came to be.

The Australian flags on all the vehicles look fantastic, good on you guys, there are a lot of Aussies behind you as well that could not be with you on the Convoy.

DESPITE Council’s best efforts to manage the ‘Convoy of No Confidence’ as it passes through Goulburn on Sunday, it’s likely that the truckie revolt cannot be controlled. No one can say how many people and vehicles will join the convoy, because nobody actually knows. It’s an open-invitation protest against the Gillard Labor Government, and people are signing up in droves.
“It’s going to be big,” NRFA Treasurer and convoy coordinator Peter Whytcross told the Post. From the Goulburn Post

Seems the AFP is not going to allow the Convoy anywhere near Parliament House. I think they are finally beginning to realize just how big these 11 Convoy's will be when they all join together in Canberra. Good on you guys, this is Australian History you are all making, I hope more and more people will join as you pass through the various towns. Your message is out there, nearly every paper in the Country has written about The Convoy of No Confidence.

The Canberra Times has been told police plan to escort protest vehicles to Canberra Stadium from where the protesters will be taken by bus to Parliament House for a rally.
Protest vehicles will not be permitted to park in the Parliamentary Triangle.
Canberra Times.

I cetainly hope Canberra has a lot of buses. LOL.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Girl That Can Move Like a Snake (Dance Video)

This is absolutly amazing, it really blew me away when I watched it. Obviously she is double jointed everywhere.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Czech President Vaclav Klaus:- National Press Club (Australia)

Czech President also interviewed on the Bolt Report.

via Andrew Bolt

A very good interview with the President on MTR Radio. The President talks about climate change, Europe, and the debt in America. Listen here.

What I find that is really embarrassing for Australia, is that our Prime Minister, Julia Gillard refused to meet the President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus, why you might ask, I can only assume it is because he does not believe in man-made Climate Change. Sure the President was not here on an official visit but that is no excuse not to make a President of another Country feel welcome in Australia, I dread to think of what the people in the Czech Republic think about us.

Yet our PM did meet the former PM of Britain Tony Blair, he is a firm believer in man-made climate change? (When someone is getting paid just for this purpose it does make one wonder), it really does beggar belief. So if you don't agree with the same things as our PM and you happen to come to Australia you are going to be snubbed. What makes this even worse is Tony Blair is of course getting paid Millions to try to change people's and Governments minds on climate change.

The former prime minister will be paid at least £700,000 a year to act as a “strategic adviser” to Khosla Ventures, a venture capitalist firm founded by Indian billionaire Vinod Khosla. The Californian company bankrolls businesses hoping to profit from technology that helps reduce global warming and carbon emissions.
London Evening Standard.

There is a very good article written in the paper by Miranda Devine I feel it is well worth a read if you haven't already read this piece.

In a Sydney hotel on Monday night, Czech President Vaclav Klaus, an economist who fought against communism, was warning of the new threats to our freedom he recognises in the doctrine of global warming.

Almost simultaneously, in a Hobart casino, Greens Senator Christine Milne was unilaterally announcing, on ABC TV’s Q&A show, that the government would be conducting an inquiry into that section of the Australian media that she finds “extreme(ly) bias(ed) against action on climate change”. Miranda Devine

Friday, July 22, 2011

Australia We Have A Convoy:- Destination Canberra (Updated)

The Convoy arrives in Canberra on the 22nd of August.

Mick Pattel is the organizer with the board members of NRFA, (National Road Freighters Association) for this progressive joining convoy - much support for this to take place as the frustration and no confidence in the Federal Government is reiterated over and over again.

There is movement in Australia, the word has passed around,
A bob tailed truck is leaving Katherine, NT Canberra bound.
Now the truck will bolt from his yards on the 17th of August 2011,
No doubt the mob will be joining him, on his journey down.
Click onto photo's for a larger view.

A progressive Convoy is what he has sent the message for far and wide,
The call will be answered without a moments hesitation from all who can drive.
So down your tools, put your leave notice in - for today we become part of Australian history together.

Click onto flyer above, print it out and pass it around, see if your local businesses will put it in their window, or the local pub/club up on the notice board, help to spread the word.

Feedback is positive, with many welcoming his proposal. It is time for action, its time for history in Australian Government to be reminded that the people are who they must listen to..

The Prime Minister told Laurie Oaks, "Democracy is not an opinion poll Laurie..."
Quite right Prime Minister, it is not. Democracy is a vote...


Fantastic funny video:- The Convoy of No Confidence Song check it out.

Make banners for your vehicles, to show your vote of no confidence - people want an election..

Check your tyres, oil and water, fuel up, and join in when it comes through your town...

At this stage, due to so many stating they will be driving their cars, utes, trucks et, the convoy will likely be split to criss cross the states on the way down to Canberra, allowing more people to see the power of grassroots people, and join in the Convoy.

Update:- There are now 11 Convoy's.

                                  Thanks to JoNova for doing the map. Click map for larger view.

A list of where the Convoy's will be leaving from can be found here.

For every vehicle, mode of transport in the Convoy, it is imperative that you have an identifiable symbol This is decided to be the AUSTRALIAN FLAG These can be purchased inexpensively at any discount bargain shop - and is highly appropriate - after all, this Convoy is for our much loved Australia.
Each Vehicle should as an option, put on banners of words, including, but not limited to
"Convoy of No Confidence".

Most will be 6.00am starts and ending at 5.00pm.
NRFA convoy leaders, are aware that many people are not used to driving at night, or are not experienced with long distance driving.
Therefore, this convoy is being responsible in the welfare and saftey of all those participating as much as humanly possible.

Rules of the Convoy
  • We need all participants to please check the below list.
  • Make sure your vehicles are road worthy and registered.
  • Make sure you carry food and water, and bedding.
  • Make sure you abide all traffic rules.
  • Make sure as the towns, and leaving times are announced, you allow yourself save driving time to join in.
  • Make sure that you have your banners, and Australian flag to identify yourself as part of the Convoy.
  • It is IMPERATIVE that all vehicles joining the convoy, behave in an orderly driving fashion.
  • It is IMPERATIVE that all vehicles stay behind the trucks leading the convoy.
  • Make sure that you leave room for normal traffic flows not participating, to be able to pass you safely on the road.
  • It is IMPERATIVE that people in the convoy listen to the two way radios - but do NOT join in for idol chatter on the truck frequency. Pre organize another channel with your mates to do this, in the interest of safety for all drivers on our roads.
All of the above from Just Grounds Community (check it out)
Please give all these people your support, if you cannot join in the Convoy, send out e-mails, post on facebook, pass the word around about this event so that others know about this as well.

A real nice surprise, the Convoy has been reported about in The Australian

The Convoy has also been mentioned in the Canberra Times.

There is an acticle about this event in Beef Central 
News article also in the Mudgee Guardian
News article also in Owner Driver
Now in Andrew Bolts blog and also The Punch

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Climate Change Cartoons for Both Sides (Video's)

A debunking of the global warming agenda, from Roy W. Spencer, former NASA climatologist and climate expert. via Australian Climate Madness

Part 1 in a 3 part series of animations,which is part of the $12 Million the Government has spent for advertising. via Andrew Bolt

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Carbon Tax Package:- Labor is Still not Telling the full Story.(Australia)

After Labor showing such a bad result in the polls this week, The ALP primary vote is down 1 point to 26 per cent - the lowest for either major party in the poll’s 39-year-history, the results were published in The Age. I find it incredible that so many are still standing behind this unelected PM.

It does seem obvious to me that a lot of the population is well and truly turning their backs on the PM and Labor, and I feel that Labor really started falling when Julia announced that they will introduce a carbon tax. Some people, including myself, feel they can no longer trust not only the PM but the Labor Party as a whole.
A reminder of what was said before the election.

So it really does seem like the Greens are taking over power, and Labor is just bending to whatever they want. As you may know Julia is now going around trying to sell the carbon tax package, a few people who I have talked to are asking the question; is she being truthful about what she is saying. I think the question should also be what isn't she saying about the carbon tax package. I have put this is a post before, but for those that may have missed it:- Labor makes a big thing about raising the thresholds on the Statutory tax, but why have they not mentioned that the actual tax rate will be increasing.

                                     Via Andrew Bolt. Click picture for a larger view.

Also another item that I haven't heard Julia or Labor mentioning is that this carbon tax will rise every year. This was talked about before the package came out, but now we know exactly how much it will be going up. As we all know now the carbon tax will start at $23 a ton from July 2012, but every year the price will increase by 2.5% above the rate of inflation. As reported in the ABC.

Also treasury's modelling of the carbon tax was based on $20 a ton not on the $23 a ton that Labor/Greens/Independents decided on. The Australian. This means that all the prices that Labor released are wrong.

Council rates will also rise because of the carbon tax, not only for the emissions coming from local dumps, but also the extra costs the councils will have to pay for street lighting etc. Courier Mail. This of course will mean a rise for anyone renting as well. It will also mean an extra cost for businesses which will be passed on down the line.

Building costs will also rise under the carbon tax, $6.000 for a new home, that's based on the $20 carbon tax, not the $23 that has been put forward. I don't know how much more it will be as the price of the tax goes up, and naturally it will cost more to renovate as well. A very good article about this in the Herald Sun.

The money that the Labor Party has pledged to the UN through their climate change committee, Australia so far have sent $599 Million, that is a lot of taxpayers money for what? Jo-Nova.

I almost forgot; There will be no carbon tax on petrol (under a Government that I lead) said Julia, well that is not entirely true, it may only last for the 1st year of the tax, as the Greens say it will be in the tax. 9 News. Even so in the first year, the electricity rises for the garages will be passed on to the consumer anyway, also the extra power costs at the refinery's.

This is all going to cost a lot more than what Labor is telling us. As far as I'm concerned they may not be lying about this, but they sure are not telling us everything. If people truly believe that this tax is only going to cost us just under $10 a week, and will only add 80 cents a week to groceries sit down and do the sums, and don't forget because we are paying more for everything, the end price with the 10% GST is also going to be more, a tax on top of a tax.

The Labor Party is expecting public opinion to start to turn around after the tax is introduced, they say that people will see the sky is not about to fall and they will find it isn't that bad. My question is, forget about the 1st year of the tax, it's all the following years as it keeps increasing that is the worry, will people fall for this tactic when the tax is introduced, maybe some will, but by the following year they will soon see this is really going to hurt, and no amount of compensation is going to help those that will no longer have a job or keep up with the costs.

Sorry about such a long post, I hope you were able to get a bit of information that you may have been looking for.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Professor Richard Lindzen On Australia's Carbon Tax (Video)

Andrew Bolt interviewed Professor Lindzen on his show today (10th July 2011)"The Bolt Report" it was a fantastic interview I thought, so I decided I would put the interview in my blog for anyone that missed it, or would like to hear the other side of the climate debate. Professor Lindzen said "If you can get people to believe that paying a tax will save the planet, then it's a dream come true for politicians." Personally I really liked that line. Before you watch the video's, I just thought I would let you know what Julia didn't say, and that is, that the tax rate will be increasing for a lot of people, look at the report below.

Click on picture for a larger view
via Andrew Bolt.

News Ltd Poll done after Julia's speech on the carbon tax.
Angry Australians have vowed to vote Prime Minister Julia Gillard from office at the next election after the controversial carbon tax announcement. Read about the results here.

The video below is part 1 of The Bolt Report with the interview with the professor.

Professor Lindzen:Wikipedia

Andrew Bolt talking about the carbon tax with Terry McCrann (4.30pm encore show)

For those that would like to see the whole show, the video's below is part 2 and part 3.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Broncos Leagues Club Won't Allow Freedom of Speech

Lord Monckton (Climate Sceptic) had a venue booked at the Broncos here in Brisbane as part of his speaking tour in Australia. The Broncos have seen fit to cancel on Lord Monckton, the reasons given was that a number of members complained, and they were not happy with Lord Monckton calling Ross Garnaut a Nazi, Lord Monckton has apologized for saying this, in the newspapers as well as radio and TV, but it seems the club may have been fooled, GetUp seems to be involved in getting this shut down. Apparently it was on GetUp web site, since taken down, so that really does speak volumes I feel.

Screen shot of the now deleted item from GetUp. More screen shots here.
(Click screenshot for larger view)

It is hard to believe a club like this will not allow Freedom of Speech, and I certainly hope any members will let it be known that we are supposed to be a Democracy here in OZ. How gullible are these people that are supposed to be in charge of this club, they really should feel ashamed, and I certainly hope they lose a lot of members over this.
It is certainly not a club that I would want to associate with anymore, and I will not be going back there, and I have e-mailed and phoned to let them know exactly how I feel.

If you would like to let the club know how you feel, you can e-mail the club at or you can ring the Broncos Leagues Club Venue Feedback Ph: (07) 3858 9003

Leon Byner speaks to Lord Monckton about the Federal Governments proposed carbon tax and its impact on all Australians

Tickets had already been sold through ticketek to a lot of people, so it was already to go, fully organized, before the club decided against it. It is a scary thought to know that hard left activists can shut down a venue just like that, and even scarier to know that the people from the Broncos allowed it. What is happening to our Country?
  • Hard Left Extremists Try to Censor Free Speech. Menzies House
  • The Age has also written an article but of course no mention of GetUp here for obvious reasons.
  • Broncos Buckle:- Tim Blair The Telegraph.
  • Shame on them:- Andrew Bolt The Herald Sun
From Stop Gillard's Carbon Tax
Selective Free Speech on Display at the Broncos
In the Middle Ages they would have burned him. In the 1930’s they would be content with burning his books. Today they are content withdrawing their venues preventing him from speaking. What wonderful progress we are making.Read more here.

It seems a lot of people know GetUp was behind it all except the Bronco's, they are in damage control.
Michael Smith interviews the General Manager of Bronco's.

The Australian Government is now offering $250,000 to any organizations that can convince the public we need a carbon tax. Known as a Climate Change Grant Program.
Tim Blair

It does seem like the warmists are running scared, why are they so afraid of people hearing the other side of the debate on climate change? Could it have something to do with all the money that is involved, after all we are talking about just under $12 Billion paid to the Government in the first year of the carbon tax.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Funny Song about Australia's Greens Leader:-Brown Town (Video)

The 1st of July 2011 the Australia's Greens will have control of our Senate, not good in my view, they really have some very weird and strange policies. Just over 11.8% of the population voted Green, but now they will have the say on everything. I assume some of the people who voted for them thought they were mainly for the environment, others as a protest vote, but I personally feel that we should hang on tight, as we are going to be in for one hell of a ride, and it's all down hill.

Greens would shut a coal industry worth $60bn in export revenues
Read more in The Australian.

This funny video comes via The Tizona Group, and I know if you listen closely to the words you will agree it is all so true, and very well done.
WARNING:- There is one nude photo in this video.

I thought you may also would like to have a look at this video, via Andrew Bolt.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Australian ISP's to start Internet Censoring, July 2011

Well it's about to start. Telstra and Optus will start off the internet censoring next month (July 2011). This has been kept very quiet, off the radar you might say. It just goes to show that our Labor Government knows that the majority is against this, and has been from the start. The Government it trying to pass this censoring off as keeping the kids safe, but I'm sure most people know that this is not true. Little by little we are slowing having choices taken away from us. There is a very good article about this in The Herald Sun, not hidden away, but in the technology section, not in the main stream.

MOST Australian internet users will have their web access censored next month after the country's two largest internet providers agreed to voluntarily block more than 500 websites from view. Herald Sun.

There is also an article about the filter in there are (at the moment) 143 comments.

There is also a very funny video about Australia's Internet Filter, this has a lot of bad language in it, so I didn't put it on my blog, mainly because I do have friends kids that may click onto this site. If you would like a bit of a laugh and don't mind the language, you can watch the video here.

Well now the plot thickens, no wonder Telstra and Optus are doing the Governments bidding.

Business leaders have warned Labor that the National Broadband Network could choke off competition after it was revealed Telstra had agreed it would not promote wireless internet services as a substitute for the $36 billion fibre network for the next 20 years, under an agreement with the government.

He said the deals with Optus and Telstra were inequitable for other internet service providers, such as iiNet, AAPT and TPG, as they were not going to be paid the same compensation for moving customers onto the NBN. Read more in The Australian.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Is Your ISP Ready For The New IPv6?

For those that are not sure what IPv6 is, I wrote about it in my blog not that long ago
 (see here).
It was World IPv6 day on the 8th June, when there was a trail run of IPv6 around the world, this turned out to be very successful and over a period of time web sites will start to switch over to IPv6. At the moment we are on IPv4.

Some web sites have already switched over, if your ISP has not got the new IPv6 function you will not be able to view these web sites. You can test to see if you have this function, link below. I'm in Australia and most of our ISP's do not have this function at all, my ISP is with Telstra Bigpond, and I do not have the new IPv6 function, some others in Australia that don't have this is, Optus, iiNet, and believe it or not the new NBN, the list goes on. For the full list of Australia's ISP's that do support or don't support the new IPv6 have a look here in Computerworld.

For those that would like to do the test to check, they have a test site on the
Internet Society web page, I did this test and it took about 30secs, of course it came back 0 support.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Marriage Proposal gone wrong in Food Court (Video)

First we had the "Best Marriage Proposal Ever" and now we have a marriage proposal that has gone wrong, how embarrassing this must have been.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Australia's PM Using The UK As An Example For A Carbon Tax.

The Labor Government is now using what is happening over in the UK as an excuse for everyone in OZ to get behind the carbon tax. But over in the UK they have got their own problems as well, why aren't we hearing about this. As far as Julia and her Government are concerned the people of Australia need only know what they would like us to hear.

In the UK in May there was a Cabinet row over the UK's climate targets. There were Ministers worried about the competitiveness of the British industry (sound familiar), basically the same arguments we are now experiencing here in OZ. But what Julia and her Government is not telling us, is that the UK built-in a secured get-out clause, so that if the rest of Europe does not follow they can easily turn the clock back.

But ministers worried about the impact on the economy and burdens on industry have secured a get-out clause.
The targets will be reviewed if European nations backslide on their own climate commitments.
BBC News UK.

Of course I'm sure the Labor Government would not even contemplate doing anything as realistic as the above, as it would make it too easy for the Liberal Party to put a stop to the carbon tax altogether, and I have a feeling that the Labor Party are going to make this very, very hard to do. It just seems like all the Labor Party is worried about is the politics not the people.

In other news from the UK, TATA the Indian steel giant in the UK has just cut 1500 jobs, this has been blamed on the environmental policies of the UK. I'm sure there will be more job loses as time goes on, is this what we can expect to happen to some of our industries here in OZ?

Karl-Ulrich Kohler, Tata Steel's head of Europe, blamed the cuts on the decline of the construction industry, but added that new EU environmental laws and planned British legislation had compounded the company's problems.
Read the full story in The Australian.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Every Year the Carbon Tax will Increase (Australia)

Well some of the truth on this carbon tax is finally starting to get in the papers. The Gillard Government has now confirmed what a lot of people already knew, that the carbon tax will increase every year. It really doesn't matter what price the carbon tax will start at, as it will be a different price the next year, and the year after that and so on. Some people may finally start to understand what this will mean.

As the price gets dearer for the carbon tax as we all know the price on electricity gets higher as well, this will then filter through down to everything that we buy, groceries, cloths anything and everything that is made with electricity.

1) Lets take a can of whatever. To make the can itself requires power, the price of the can has now became more expensive to make, the cost gets passed on to the consumer.
2) The ingredients for what is put into the can is also made from power so that cost has also gone up.
3) The cost of the label has also gone up for the same reason.
4) The can then gets transported to the warehouse, transport costs has also gone up with the carbon tax on petrol.
Don't forget that the warehouse itself is also paying more for electricity, so their costs also have been increased.
5) The can then gets transported to the supermarket, this costs more again. The Supermarket has paid for all the above increases on the can.
6) The supermarkets power bills has also increased, so they pass on not only the extra for all of the above, but the extra for their increases as well.

The consumer then decides to buy this can of whatever, the consumer can't get over how much the cost has increased, but really needs it, takes it to the checkout, and pays for it. But also what a lot of people are forgetting is the cost of the GST. If the item you buy costs more you are obviously paying more in GST at the end on your bill as well.

So apply the above for meat as well as it leaves the farm on its journey to the supermarket or butchers, or anything else. It is not only the power bills it is everything we buy. Most people would have noticed the difference already in their cost of living every time they go shopping since we have had the rises in power. The extra cost the Government keeps talking about is electricity only, nothing else is taken into consideration.

THE Gillard Government has confirmed there will be a "steady increase" in its carbon tax every year.
But it is giving no details on whether the compensation package it says will make some people "better off" will rise in step with the tax increases. Read the full story in the Herald Sun.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

"No Carbon Tax" Rally Brisbane 7th May (Pictures)

I went to the rally here in Brisbane yesterday, and I must say that I was a bit disappointed with the amount of people that was there. By the newspapers there was around 300 to 400 people that showed up. To be honest it didn't seem like that many, but it was a large area, and I am terrible at judging things like that.

I thought there would of been a lot more people seeing as how it was a Saturday. People I talk to are complaining about this Carbon Tax, complaining about it isn't going to do much good, we all have to stick together and do what we can to try and stop it. The small amount of people that showed up didn't really make it newsworthy at all I felt. Saying all that, it was very well organized, and the speakers were fantastic. Also 10 out 10 for all those people that made the effort to be at the rally.

There is an article about the Brisbane rally in the Courier Mail

Responding to a Newspoll survey in The Australian yesterday, which showed Labor's primary vote at 33 per cent and her own satisfaction rating at a new low of 38 per cent, Ms Gillard conceded she had "a lot of hard work to do as Prime Minister".
Mr Abbott - whose satisfaction rose six percentage points to 42 per cent in the past month as he campaigned against the carbon tax - said the "field evidence" was that people were concerned about the rising cost of living and the carbon tax
Read the full story in Courier Mail

A great speech by Jennifer Marohasy who has also written about the rally in her Blog

Someone decided to do a banner, the type the press love to down the "No Carbon Tax" rallies on.

But as you can see others were smarter and started covering the banner up. (Good on you guys)

If you look behind the stage, the banner is now completely covered. (Well Done)

There is also an article in the UK papers about Australia fighting against the Carbon Tax.

In Australia the carbon tax tabled by the Labor government is struggling to gain acceptance. Every week sees another industrial pressure group come out against the bill.
There have been demonstrations all over the country, led by "shock jock" radio broadcasters, focusing on the prime minister, Julia Gillard. Her poll ratings have dropped steadily since the bill was launched in February. Read the full story in

I had a great day at the rally, all the speeches were fantastic, and I got Hubby and myself  No Carbon Tax
 t-shirts, I talked to some really nice people, it was a good couple of hours.